Making A Safe Choice For Your Home

  • 3 Common Residential Door Lock Trouble Signs You Shouldn't Ignore

    7 June 2021

    Door locks are an integral part of residential security systems, but they can develop problems from time to time, compromising the security of homeowners and their families. The best way to deal with door lock problems is to get them checked and repaired as soon as they crop up. Failing to take corrective action when you have problematic door locks will leave your home exposed to danger.  With that said, here are some common door lock trouble signs you shouldn't ignore.

  • CCTV Installation: Three Important Guidelines for Securing Your Home

    10 February 2021

    Installing CCTV cameras is one of the most reliable approaches to improving residential security. These beneficial elements will not provide records on intruders and unauthorised persons on your property. They will also act as deterrents for would-be burglars and robbers. However, the performance of these security elements will depend on the quality of the setup. Therefore, consider using these guidelines before installing the system for a safe home. Conduct Property Evaluation